Difference kinds of fear you must overcome.

Difference kinds of fear you must overcome.



The emotional discomfort or the emotional comfort that comes with looking good in the eyes of men look up please let me teach you something if you want to be great in life you must obtain grace from god to build a wall of spiritual immunity against all kinds of expectations of men it is better to serve god and fear god sincerely you will lose too many things in your life trying to please men let me give you an advice when your life is excellent both god and men will rejoice with you but can i give you an honest advice you must obtain grace from god to focus on god and your destiny many of us love men so much you would rather fail god and have a good name with men rather fail god do you have the courage to survive the controversy of the prophecy upon your life oh mary how did you get pregnant tell us the truth what happened i’m an innocent young virgin an angel suddenly appears to me and says a ghost is coming i am innocent to the point where joseph said i’m sorry i love you sincerely you know i’m a responsible man but this this this embarrassment is too much just when he was about to leave her he had a dream and he said no joseph this woman is surviving something and that which is coming out of her is that which cut his destiny can i tell you this if you do not obtain grace to respect your vision and your prophecy more than your reputation you must respect the prophecy upon your life more than your reputation the prophecy upon your life will make you do things sometimes that you will look controversial what do you mean by go around the city seven times do you know what it means to watch an adult go around the city seven times to bring down a fence is that how it is done do you know what it means to empty your account and say god said you have a wife and children you know what it means for your relatives to hear that news that god gave an instruction to resign from your job the controversy that comes with the honor of vision and prophecy if anyone ever told you it’s a bed of roses to become a champion think again behind these crowns that you so admire is audacity and courage abraham take now your son go to a place i will show you where oh god keep going the fact that you want me to kill my son question when abraham was done killing his son what will he tell the radio station what will he tell the tv ministry what will he tell the authorities over his life that god said you should kill your son does god behave that way i’m describing the journey that some of you are in right now god gave you an assignment to first two months and while you’re fasting someone is already calling you and saying look wisdom is profitable this thing you are doing with your life even you you don’t know the name i’m not talking about foolishness i’m talking about divine direction are we together yes there are some of you just when people are rushing to move forward god says you remain here and for three years you are in the same position and do you know sometimes god does not give you the complete answer so when men call you you still look stupid give me the correct logical answer the only thing i know is that i had him [Music] he said for two years keep supporting pastor and his wife that is it so what about the dreams and the visions you saw i don’t know he’s not spoken to me do you know the courage to move forward is the courage to withstand the controversy that comes with prophecy vision speaking the end not the beginning are we blessed i’ve had the honor and the privilege of talking with extremely great and successful people both in the faith in the business world in politics and unanimously christians and non-christians they will tell you that they have to withstand the courage there are times that as a man of god you may not have money to eat or to do whatever and yet someone comes to you for counselling suddenly wisdom comes you will impart grace you are solving the problem of others and say okay god what about my own and he’s silent he’s saying just keep moving father this sickness that is plaguing my child can there be a way out and heaven is silent another person comes and boom word of knowledge you are solving their problems and you lock the door they said this man you are so powerful and you say lord it’s us again and god keeps quiet i reckon that the sufferings romans chapter 8 let me teach you the way of champions oh great ones because these are some of the messages you will not hear again but this is how great men are made you came to this conference to be made there is a way that people rise in this kingdom it is the reason why through the sacrifice of that death when they rise they don’t just rise with an anointing there is a throne in heaven that backs them demons are testaments of the arising and the things they go through jesus i know paul i know who are you some of you are crying don’t be ashamed i didn’t come to make you cry i came to show you the truth if it is glory you want to come out of you can you drink of his cup and be baptized with this baptism there are things you cannot cast away you only obtain grace to pass through [Music] did you hear what i said yes sir isaiah 43 and verse 1 and 2 fear not o israel i have redeemed you i have called you by name you are mine verse two it says when thou passes through the waters i will be with you i will take the water away i will be with you when you go through the river it shall not overflow you when you walk through the fire it shall not burn you. The making of the great is a very difficult spiritual process. You want to breath glory there is a relationship between death and glory. We’re dealing with fear. The fear of the present the fear of the present what gives me the guarantee that as i do ministry now i will succeed. What gives me the guarantee that partners will come and hold my hands what gives me the guarantee that with 300.000 if i start this building project will i not become a mockery to everybody and heaven is saying move the signs follow they don’t go before you start moving the river does not patch until you are inside. Are we together, look at me everything that is glorious moves against her to school everything that has prophecy and destiny is usually unusual in its manifestation. Do you have the courage to endure, do you have the courage to not try to defend yourself even while you move. God told you, you have a bank you have failed and failed and failed and failed and someone says come I will give you a job let’s stop punishing your wife and yet you want to sleep and you have the vision of the bank again and God is saying I have spoken it and it will happen. Go and read about the global brands you see all over the world don’t just read their success stories read their failure stories go and read about the men and the women of god that you order in the body of christ today and see the scars that are on them testaments of endurance time will fail me to talk of gideon jefftha and barack men who through faith subdued kingdoms road righteousness shot them out of lions but they entered the dead of lions your jesus the grave where that finishes is also where resurrection starts resurrection does not happen outside the grave you want to experience resurrection power it only happens to those who are in the grave the last time i came here to preach i taught you something about the mystery of the prison i told you the prison is where both good and bad people meet [Music] the fear of the present lastly for tonight and then we pray the fear of the future the third fear that you must overcome this is especially true for people who are already bearing fruit can i tell you this please look up [Music] most times when you are producing results exceptional results it gets to a point where you start becoming afraid of your results you know why because when you rise to the top the fear now is to finish and to finish well most times when people pray for great people their prayer is made you finish well now that you have shown us that you can conquer yesterday and you can conquer today our prayer for you is that you finish well can i tell you this the hand that lifted you can keep you even till you finish be careful because sometimes you can hear men and they tell you stories of people who did not finish well. They may be right and they may be well meaning. But can i tell you there is a covenant that brought you thus far and that covenant is able to keep God is not only a giver he’s a keeper he’s a keeper but i know whom i have believed and i am persuaded the bible says that he is able to keep that which is committed to him against that day. What gives you a guarantee that this great church and your pastor will still be standing 20 30 40 years from now there is the grace that keeps. Listen to me, most successful people are afraid of their future they are not afraid of their past they are not afraid of today but what if this happens what if a pandemic comes and my business goes down can i tell you this it is it is more it is more painful and embarrassing to rise up and go down it’s better that you remain down you were once a billionaire you were once on fire you were once a prophet you were once packing up crusades with signs and wonders so most times when people succeed that fear comes will i last what will become of my children what will the newspaper say about me tomorrow the lord is my light and he’s the light of my life i will not be afraid [Music] the hands that lifted me will uphold me to the end no fear i will not be afraid listen i bring you words of comfort if it is by kingdom principles you rose i want to tell you those principles are potent to keep you to the end that when the fire goes up and down when the vicissitudes of life goes up and down you are still standing in ministry in life even to the end this is the reason why you must be afraid of your results if they were not built by the world because it is only the world that sustains the power to keep things this is where the arrogant of successful people outside of god they tell you we are successful but if it is not by god allow the wind to come allow the rain come it will beat on both the house that is built on a rock and sand but if your life is built on a rock you need not be afraid listen to me this is my conviction as a man of god this must be your conviction sincere people will meet you and say i pray that god keeps you all this is how so so so passing started but unfortunately this is sound so so so person started this is how so so bank started this is how social started when they say those things appreciate them with truth but turn back and have confidence about the future because you live jesus i live i have no feet i want tomorrow please because you lead jesus i lead today [Music] to praise your name i have no feelings jeremiah 29 11 please rise up on your feet about from [Music] for i know the thoughts that i think over what alive over reverend godwin and his wife over the membership of this church i’m not confused about what i’m thinking about them the pandemic yes sir the economy of nations yes sir i still know the thoughts that i think he calls them thoughts of peace and not of evil there are people who think evil of others they laugh with you but they are hoping something bad happens as a negative prophecy god is not one of them thoughts of peace are not of evil to give you and hold on it didn’t say to give you an end the end is not guess work the end is expected i have programmed it already i am alpha homemaker can i tell you this believers hear me many of you who are under the mentorship of this great man and his wife do not be afraid of what you are becoming you are being built on the ward and you may not look like it but find strength there is a making when a woman is cooking sometimes all you see is water and you don’t really know what is is it yam is it rice just be patient as that fire under is walking on that pot suddenly an aroma that begins to attract you from the power what in the world is going on in this kitchen everybody say making oh jamaica is making you salt is not the only thing that will be added there there are ingredients that you add only towards the end women am i correct one ingredient in five minutes can change the narrative of that soup sha allah me just because the anointing of your call has not come yet does not mean it will not come keep moving one day while you are serving like you are doing every day one day while you are praying like you are doing every day conquering fear to move forward and then that grace will rest upon you the nations will be ready to hear you please hear me brothers and sisters it was fear not a physical army that made jericho to hide they never saw a physical army with swords yet what they just heard the same way you heard that there are people who don’t live long the same way you heard that there are people who serve god do and yet it looks like their end be careful what you hear be careful what you see define your realities by the word of god i have heard that people trust god and they still become broke failures i have heard that people trust god as men of god they serve god sincerely and yet it looks like there is no consolation to their christian experience be careful it was a hearing of the air that made people who should advance with such investment did you know the treasures that were in jericho by the time the wall of jericho fell down look the kind of treasure that they met yet in the midst of that treasure what happened a lot right now we are going to pray because in the name of jesus i came releasing my faith with your pastor it is time for someone’s destiny to open up some of you because of fear you close the notebook the holy ghost asks you to buy there was a notebook you bought that every time he comes to you you write matters of destiny for months now you’ve not opened it go back this night after this conference regardless what you heard by the time i was writing this apostle my mother was still alive my father was still alive how could god let them die i don’t think he’s faithful i don’t believe those visions we are saying faithful are you lord faithful are you faithful like faith we are saving faithful life [Music] faithful like you lord faithful are you lord [Music] hallelujah are you ready to pray the spirit of fear listen to me i’m not here to talk about myself but this man you see standing before you i cannot begin to tell you the dangerous instructions that god has given me in my life the things to do that if i ever failed in those instructions that testimony will be a memorial and a warning to nations and yet by faith we closed our eyes away from our backgrounds we closed our eyes away from status quo and we said lord we trust you if we perish we perish this man you call your pastor and your father you see him stand here and you just laugh but this man is a testament of endurance he will tell you of times that even though he said yes lord it was with tears in his eyes his wife is here as a testament results don’t just happen no if you see men possess the land go behind that land you will see the graves of giants there they killed giants and buried them run away from any land where you would see only champions without the graves of giants even jesus has his grave to show are we together i’m not wasting your time i want you to make constructive progress there are some of you god gave you a word and if you had obeyed god and moved in faith by now you would sustain the grace and the resources to override the bills of conferences like this based on your vision god told you by now you should start doing it but for five years you’ve been giving excuses in fear god is speaking to you are you going to choose to honor me and experience glory this beginning of miracles john 2 said that jesus did in the presence of his disciples and he showed forth his glory what was a miracle and instruction take this risk the risk of death fetch water and one meet the rulers those days they didn’t correct by counseling you died immediately once you did anything against the king how could you tell me to fetch water people are thirsty and you say fetch it and start moving lord should i really move move these rulers are tasty i don’t want to embark this is a feast it’s not a rehearsal move recently sir as i round up i was in bonny island i had the honor of visiting the first cathedral not only nigeria but across maybe central or west africa about a hundred and fifty years old where men like samwell ajayi crowder joseph johnson all these men were there i had the opportunity to look at these things and i saw an old protein and while they were giving me an orientation about what happened there they said the man i saw an emblem of fire the man was going to preach and just when he was going to preach he found out that he forgot his notes there was nothing there and yet he was going to talk to people that was a moment of destiny if he did not deliver at that moment he will bring reproach to christianity and while he’s too dear confused in fear he decided i will move anyway and that was when the spirit of revelation followed him and in a way he could not explain he began to teach scriptures can i tell you this one of the ways that god defeats fear in your life is by bringing you face to face with it that the thing that you are afraid of god brings you face to face you stare at it it stares at you then you will find out after a while that you are no longer afraid of it again the lord is my light and my salvation of whom shall i be afraid of when i saw that i was so blessed i was so inspired christianity came to this country because of the sacrifices of men like so and right now hear me you are standing we’re about to pray the destinies of many are upon your shoulder and god is telling you it’s time to move forward even as we look forward to and hasten the day of his coming this 11th hour of this global harvest god is looking for men and women of courage of courage and strength it’s time to conquer fear it’s time to call it what it is you are a spirit and i’m tired of living in fear if it be thou bid me come and he said come this is what god is telling someone it’s time to learn to walk on water the water will not change to cement oh dear child of god there are times he can pass the sea there are times he can say work on it the most important thing is that he’s the one speaking whatsoever he says to do do it are you ready to pray prayer point number one i concur the spirit of fear i call you by name and i declare that your power and your influence is broken over my life lift your voice and pray [Music] god has not given us a spirit of fear is your business in the name of jesus someone is praying the fear of death the fear of limitation the flow of weakness the fear of ministry [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus you are going to mention everything you know that seems to be a fear limiting you call it by name and say in the name of jesus i come by the blood against you lift your voice and pray if it finances if your health is in your children call it by name and decline in the name of jesus [Music] before the rumor before the rumor thou shall be made [Music] [Music] [Applause] man hallelujah in the name of jesus the bible says the righteous are as born as a lion [Music] now you are going to pray and you are going to declare that instead of fear the spirit of grace to advance and as we pray i’d like you to move forward prophetically grace to advance leave your voice and pray i advance by grace i conquer fear the grace to advance the grace to advance in the name of jesus the grace to advance in ministry the grace to advance in the name of jesus is [Music] hallelujah hallelujah 18 29 were wrapping up psalms 18 and verse 29 everybody please read is projected one to read for by thee i have run through a troop by my god i have lived over a wall someone ready to pray father the grace to run through a troop and live i obtain that grace lift your voice financial walls marital walls many three words in the name of jesus listen we’re wrapping up please make it as a covenant that you will not miss the remaining sessions of this conference i want to pray for you hallelujah our time is gone i apologize but let me just i just saw light coming on four people i wanted to bring them here this light because i’m seeing that tonight there is a massive deliverance not only from the spirit of fear but the effect of that fear on god’s people i’m stretching my hands please bring them i just saw that light i have to pray that prayer the power of god is coming on them that light and i want you just bring them here help them please bring them allah [Music] the spirit of fear i release my faith with that of reverend godwin abbott we are declaring fear over god’s people my god [Music] you came to church this house is a house of power [Music] we declare fear by the spirit of grace in the name of jesus let god’s people go now shout the lord amen let god’s people go now let god’s people go now let god’s people go now let god’s people go now let god’s people go now let god’s people go now give me every spirit of fear that has stopped you from making progress tying down families tying down destinies in the name of jesus the son of the living god i command that spirit go now come on now go now come on now [Music] let me between this night and tomorrow i speak to you joining faith with the angel over this house you will return with testimonies of strange thoughts testimonies of strange thoughts in the name of jesus christ hear me every family here that is under any kind of bondage i stand by the god of heaven and the god that honors this altar i declare and declare that bondage is broken now broken now broken now [Applause] [Music] hallelujah now listen please tomorrow i wanted to invite everyone this is not just a water life conference this is god visiting a territory don’t leave your loved ones behind some of you once you are here the holy ghost is ministering to you you know there are people who should be in this conference because they need to encounter the power of god do well to sow that seed come if there’s no space i’m sure there are overflows sit there with your heart open please participate in all the sessions because there are things that i’m going to be showing you from scripture and in this conference we are we are going to we are not only going to open gates we are going to break them completely in the name of jesus christ but for tonight the word for you is fear not god himself is standing by you like a mighty terrible warrior fear not in the name of jesus christ be blessed and experience the grace of god in jesus name

